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Rock 'n Roll Industries Magazine
Rock 'N Roll Industries Magazine
As an expert in the music industry, Raquel has been a writer, blogger and video interviewer, reporting on some of the biggest names in music. She also worked on the publication in advertising and promotions
RESULTS. Raquel's video interviews are often seen by three times as many people as videos produced by others for the publication. She has landed interviews with some of the largest names in music and has been part of the team that has seen this publications circulation rise by 50%
Tommy Victor Interview
Brian Slagel Interview
Dave Mustaine Interview
David Fishof Interview
Sea Legs Review
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Rob Zombie Interview
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Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankentein Interview
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Big Drum Bonanza
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Dave Mustaine Interview
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One Hundred Proof Interview
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Iron Maiden Concert Review
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Ronnie King Interview
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Metal Masters Concert Review
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Rock Against MS Article
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